Monday, May 19, 2008

Quiz No. 2

Potions Ingredients

1. colimamhe - chamomile

2. hianeaecc - echinacea

3. lgveoa - lovage

4. nsaie - anise

5. itlhhawcez - witch hazel

6. ladeevrn - lavender

7. oynranlype - pennyroyal

8. iwelnrepki - periwinkle

9. aavvakka - kava kava

10. waoalhmlsrm - marsh mallow

11. gseginn - ginseng

12. uwgtrmo - mugwort

13. What is your favorite thing to do besides knit and crochet?

14. Do you collect anything? (yes and no are invalid answers)

15. What is your favorite flower?
yalallicl (2 words)


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

bummer i cant guess your flower - lily??

Penelope said...

I think I got it!
you like to read
collect tea
and your favorite flower is the calilily